Addison’s disease is a rare chronic condition in which the adrenal gland is damaged and therefore does not produce enough of the steroid hormones (cortisol and aldosterone). It is also known as primary adrenal insufficiency or hypoadrenalism.
It affects people of all age groups and both sexes. It can be life-threatening and most common among 30 – 50 age group.
The adrenal glands are small, triangle-shaped glands located on top of each kidney. The adrenal gland has two sections: the inner medulla and the outer layer(cortex). The inner layer produces adrenaline-like hormones, while the outer layer produces a group of hormones called adrenocortical hormones.
The most common cause of Addison’s disease is an autoimmune attack in which the immune system attacks the adrenal glands and severely damages the adrenal cortex. Other possible causes of Addison’s disease may include tuberculosis, infections, cancer of the adrenal gland, amyloidosis, haemorrhage and adrenalectomy.
The risk factors include family history of autoimmune disorders such as graves’ disease, chronic thyroiditis, pernicious anaemia, type 1 diabetes, myasthenia gravis, hypothyrodism and vitiligo.
The symptoms of Addison’s disease are weight loss, muscle pain and joint pain, extreme fatigue, low blood pressure, loss of appetite, depression, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, darkening of the skin, irritability, salt craving, dehydration, body hair loss and sexual dysfunction in women. If left untreated, the levels of hormones produced by the adrenal gland gradually decrease in the body causing the symptoms to worsen progressively and then eventually lead to a life-threatening crisis called an adrenal or Addisonian crisis.
The laboratory diagnosis of Addison’s Disease is by imaging test and blood test. Blood tests include Sodium level, Potassium level, Cortisol and Adrenocorticotropic hormone level, Adrenocorticotropic stimulation test, Insulin-induced hypoglycemia tests and Thyroid Function test.
Treatment for Addison’s disease is by medications (hormone replacement therapy).
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