Home Profiles A-Z
Profiles A-Z
We offer an extensive range of profiles. Check them in alphabetical order. Please contact the laboratory if you can't find what you are looking for.
Antenatal Screen
Antenatal blood tests are important blood tests that are required of pregnant women to detect anything that may cause a problem (such as anaemia, infections, gestational diabetes) during pregnancy, during birth or after the birth.
As part of the antenatal care, some blood tests are required which include Full Blood Count, Blood Group and Rhesus, Atypical Antibody Screen, Haemoglobin Electrophoresis, Blood Glucose and FT4/TSH. It also includes screening for infections that may affect the pregnancy or unborn baby such as Rubella, Toxoplasma, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV 1/2, Syphilis and Varicella Zoster.
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Anaemia describes a condition where the blood does not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to body organs. Anaemia can be due to, but not limited to iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, folate deficiency, inherited blood disorders or blood loss related to ulcers, hemorrhoids' or gastritis.
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Autoantibody Profile
Autoantibodies are immune proteins that target and attack a person's healthy cells, tissues and /or organs. The autoantibody profile consists of tests that help in the detection of those specific immune proteins and the diagnosis of autoimmune conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus and scleroderma.
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Biochemistry Profile
Biochemistry Profile
This is a series of blood tests that are used to determine the function of critical organs in the body. It measures electrolytes and identifies the levels of enzymes in the circulatory system. It also aids in the diagnosis of many medical conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, liver damage.
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Bone Profile
Bone Profile
Minerals such as calcium, phosphate and vitamin D are necessary for healthy bone structure and development. The Bone Profile test analyses these minerals and vitamin D that are present in the bone to determine how well the body's metabolic process affects the structure and development of the bones. This aids in the diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism, osteoporosis, Paget's disease, liver disease or bone cancer.
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Bone Screen
Bone Screen
The bone screen is important in the analysis of proteins, minerals and enzymes that are involved in the structure and development of the bone. This test helps in estimating the density of bones and the diagnosis of osteoporosis before a bone is broken.
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Cadiovascular Profile
Cadiovascular Profile
This test measures the levels of cardiac biomarkers in the blood. It gives information about some of the risk factors of heart disease like blood cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose.
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Calprotectin/Elastase Test
Calprotectin/Elastase Test
Calprotectin is a biomarker for gastrointestinal tract inflammation. Calprotectin test helps to differentiate between Inflammatory Bowel Disease (such as Crohn disease, Ulcerative Colitis) and Non-inflammatory Bowel Conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
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Chest Pain Profile
Chest Pain Profile
Chest pain is soreness or discomfort in or around the chest caused by a decrease in blood flow to the heart. The chest pain profile determines the level of cardiac enzymes, hence indicating heart muscle damage or heart attack.
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Chronic Fatigue Profile
Chronic Fatigue Profile
Fatigue can be caused by sleep disorders. The chronic fatigue profile consists of diagnostic tests that screen for causes of fatigue and gives details about the general health condition of an individual.
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Coagulation Profile
Coagulation Profile
This involves a group of tests such as thrombin time, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time which measures the blood's ability to clot and how long it takes to clot. This detects the risk of bleeding excessively or developing clots in the blood vessels. It also diagnoses problems with any of the coagulation factors.
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CSF Screen
CSF Screen
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is collected by lumbar puncture from the subarachnoid space. CSF screen is used to diagnose Neiserria meningitis, Haemophilus influenza and viral meningitis.
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Individual cells are studied in cytology, to detect diseases. This test involves assessing the number of cells, what types of cells they are, how they are categorized together, and what the cell features are under the microscope. This data is crucial in assessing whether a disease is present and, if so, what the most likely diagnosis is. Types of Cytology are Aspirate Cytology, Fine Needle Aspirate, Liquid Based Cytology, Papanicolaou /Cervical Smears and Urine Cytology.
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Diabetes Profile
Diabetes Profile
Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism which occurs occur the level of blood glucose (sugar) is too high. Diabetes profile tests the blood for high blood glucose levels diagnose diabetes or prediabetes.
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Early Detection STI Screens
Early Detection STI Screens
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) are potential outcomes of unsafe sex which can lead to blindness, brain damage, infertility, cancer, congenital deformities in newborns and sometimes death, if left untreated. This profile helps to detect STI in the early stage to aid early treatment of monitoring in patients with syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhoea and trichomonas infections. It also helps in the early diagnosis of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), HIV, Hepatitis Virus and Herpes Simplex Virus.
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Elastase & Calprotectin Profile
Elastase & Calprotectin Profile
This profile detects elastase and calprotectin in faecal or stool samples. Elastase is an enzyme made in the pancrease which plays an important role in the digestive process. Elastase test measures the level of pancreatic enzymes and detects pancreatic insufficiency, which can be a sign of chronic pancreatitis or cystic fibrosis.
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Enteric Organism Rapid Detection
Enteric Organism Rapid Detection
Enteric organisms are found in the intestines and can cause infections in normal individuals on a regular basis. This profile is a rapid and accurate method of detecting disease-causing bacterial, viral and parasitic infections which are known to cause food-borne gastroenteritis, cholera, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.
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Erectile Dysfunction Profile
Erectile Dysfunction Profile
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common adverse effect of many pharmaceutical medications. While these medications may be used to treat an illness or condition, they can have an adverse effect on a man's hormones, nerves, or blood circulation. Erectile Dysfunction Profile checks for the level of glucose, lipids, prostate specific antigen among others.
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Female Hormone Profile
Female Hormone Profile
Hormones are formed in the endocrine system and control most major bodily functions. The female hormone profile helps in the evaluation of hirsutism and masculinization in women, diagnoses hormonal imbalance and checks on concerns with puberty, fertility, menopause, and other conditions. The four major tests in this profile are Follicle Stimulating Hormon (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Prolactin and Oestradiol.
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Female STI Profile 1
Female STI Profile 1
Sexually Transmitted Infections are transmitted through anal, vaginal, or oral sexual contact which can lead to fertility problems and an increased risk of cervical cancer. This profile helps to detect Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) in females. Blood serum can be used for serological screening of HIV 1&2/p24 Antigen and Syphilis IgG/IgM. Vaginal swab can also be analyzed with PCR to detect Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea
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Female STI Profile 2
Female STI Profile 2
Sexually Transmitted Infections are transmitted through anal, vaginal, or oral sexual contact which can lead to fertility problems and an increased risk of cervical cancer. This profile screens for STI in female through blood serum and vaginal swab. Blood serum is used for serological detection of HIV 1&2, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Syphilis. Vaginal swab is used for PCR screening for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Herpes Simplex I/II.
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General Health Profile
General Health Profile
The general health profile includes biochemistry tests, haematology tests, liver function tests, bone markets, electrolytes and many more tests to evaluate the general wellbeing of an individual.
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General Men’s Health Profile
General Men’s Health Profile
This is a comprehensive health screening that includes test for Postrate Specific Antigen (PSA), blood pressure screening, glucose estimation and so on. TIis profile helps to detect prostrate cancer, colon cancer, high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, heart diseases, and other conditions related to men's health.
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Haematinics Profile
Haematinics Profile
Haematinics are nutrients required for the formation of blood cells. Iron, vitamin B12 and folate are the main haematinics, and deficiencies can lead to anaemia. It involves Iron, Total Iron Binding Capacity, Ferritin and Transferrin Saturation tests.
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Haematology Profile
Haematology Profile
This evaluates the important characteristics (such as size, shape, colour, count) of each circulating blood cell. This helps to detect conditions like anaemia, infection, inflammation, leukaemia and haemophilia. It also monitors the body's response to chemotherapy treatments.
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Ovarian cancer is the 5th most common cause of cancer death in women. Human Epididymal protein 4 (HE4) is an highly sensitive single tumour marker produced by most, but not all epithelial ovarian cancer cells.
Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm (ROMA) is a numerical score that can be used to detect ovarian cancer. This test is important for early detection of ovarian cancer, accurate monitoring of ovarian cancer after treatment, and detection of a recurrence or progression of ovarian cancer.
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Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A
The hepatitis A section of the acute viral hepatitis panel looks for IgM anti-HAV antibodies, which can be found as soon as a patient starts to develop symptoms and last for three to six months.
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Hepatitis A, B, C
Hepatitis A, B, C
This consists of the Hepatitis A profile, Hepatitis B profile, Hepatitis C antibodies, and liver profile. These helps to detect hepatitis virus infection in the body.
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Hepatitis Acute Screen
Hepatitis Acute Screen
A blood sample is used to screen for acute viral hepatitis. This panel of tests can be used to figure out what is causing a patient's symptoms or to test someone who has been exposed to the hepatitis virus but hasn't shown any symptoms yet. The tests involved are Hepatitis A IgM antibodies, Hepatitis B Surface antigens and Hepatitis C antibodies.
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Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B
Testing for hepatitis B in an acute viral hepatitis panel involves tests that detect hepatitis B surface antigens and IgM hepatitis B core antibodies. Hepatitis B surface antigens are detectable within 1 to 10 weeks after exposure, before symptoms develop, and remain detectable for up to 4 to 6 months in patients who recover from acute infection. After the disappearance of hepatitis B surface antigens, IgM hepatitis B core antibodies are detectable for up to two years after an acute infection and during flare-ups of chronic hepatitis B. If chronic hepatitis B is suspected, follow-up testing may be necessary.
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Hirsutism is a condition in which a woman's hair grows excessively. The ovaries, adrenal glands, and hormones, as well as familial and idiopathic factors, can all play a role in hirsutism. This is a set of hormone blood tests used to investigate the conditions that can lead to hirsutism. They focus on hormone imbalance, including symptoms of infertility.
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Histology is the study of entire tissues under a microscope. This test helps in detecting various diseases including cancers. Histology specimens include whole organs, excision biopsies, core biopsy, autopsy (baby), breast lump excision, cervical polyp histology, prostate biopsy histology, thyroid gland histology, urethral histology.
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HIV/HBV/HCV Screen by PCR/NAAT (10 days post exposure)
This screen makes use of Polymerase Chain Reaction to detect the presence of HIV1 RNA, HIV2 RNA, Hepatitis B virus DNA, Hepatitis C virus RNA in a person that has been exposed to the virus.
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HRT Profile 1
HRT Profile 1
This is the process of replacing hormones in women that are no longer generated during the perimenopausal (period leading up to menopause) or postmenopausal (final period) periods. This HRT profile will ensure that the hormones are in the best possible balance while on HRT. The hormones tested are FSH, oestradiol 17-beta and progesterone.
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HRT Profile 2
HRT Profile 2
This is the process of replacing hormones in women that are no longer generated during the perimenopausal (period leading up to menopause) or postmenopausal (final period) periods. This HRT profile will ensure that the hormones are in the best possible balance while on HRT. The hormones tested are FSH, oestradiol, lipid profile, glucose, FT4, TSH.
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Kidney Function Profile
Kidney Function Profile
The kidneys play an important function in the body's daily operations. About 12 times every hour, your blood passes through your kidneys, and the kidneys produce urine from excess fluid and undesired substances or waste in your blood. Chronic kidney disease can be recognised early with a kidney function test and treated effectively, reducing kidney function degradation by up to 50% and possibly even reversing it.
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Lipid Profile
Lipid Profile
This test estimates the amount of fats and lipids in the blood. Fat deposits inside the blood vessels can become plagues with can block the blood vessels, leading to arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Lipid profile includes cholesterol, tri glycerol, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein and non-HDL cholesterol tests.
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Liver Function Test
Liver Function Test
Your liver breaks down drugs and alcohol, filters toxins, stores vitamins and minerals, and produces bile, proteins, and enzymes, among other things. This liver function test looks at enzymes and other markers to see if there's any damage to your liver cells or if there's a blockage near your liver that's preventing it from working properly.
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Malaria Profile
Malaria Profile
Malaria is a parasitic infection caused by Plasmodium parasites that is transmitted to humans through mosquito bites from infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria testing is critical for making an accurate clinical diagnosis of malaria and determining the type of Plasmodium specie present in the blood, so that suitable and enough therapy may be administered for a healthy lifestyle. This profile includes Malaria Rapid test, Full blood count with differential test and blood morphology.
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Male Hormone Profile
Male Hormone Profile
The male hormone profile detects hormonal imbalance, determines adrenal function, investigates infertility, evaluates testicular function in men and screens for potential prostrate issues.This thorough panel of hormone testing can be used to diagnose a hormonal imbalance, to predict the start of andropause (male menopause), and look into disorders that can cause male infertility.
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Menopause Profile
Menopause Profile
Menopause affects women in different ways. This test monitors hormone changes by assessing hormonal levels and health areas affected by the menopause, such as bone health and cardiovascular risk. This helps to predict the onset of menopause, and eradicates the guesswork.
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Metabolic Profile
Metabolic Profile
Complete pathology panel required for the Metabolic Balance personalised nutrition analysis. Metabolic Balance matches your personal “body chemistry” to your ideal “food chemistry”
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Microbiology Test
Microbiology Test
This profile entails the general microbiology techniques which are Microscopy, Culture and Sensitivity. These tests can be carried out on various samples such as Sputum, Aspirates, Blood Culture, Urine, CSF, Ear Swab, Throat Swab, Wound Swab, Nasal Swab, Eye Swab, Urethral Swab, Endocervical Swab, High Vaginal Swab, Pus/Abscess, and Mantoux Test.
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Miscarriage Profile
Miscarriage Profile
After having a miscarriage, most people want to know why it happened and whether anything could have prevented it. The miscarriage profile includes FBC, Coagulation Profile, Antithrombin III, Factor II Prothrombin Common Mutation, MTHFR Common Variants, Fibrinogen, and Lupus Anticoagulant. These tests reveal why the miscarriages might be happening. Treatment might boost the odds of a successful subsequent pregnancy.
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Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology
This includes DNA Paternity Testing and Antinuclear Antibody. DNA Paternity test is a blood test that determines the genetic link between a presumed father and his child or children. The standard process involves collecting DNA samples from the inside of the cheek of both the father and the child/children using an oral swab. Where an oral swab is unavailable, special samples may be collected using hair, tissue, or blood. DNA paternity tests are extremely accurate. An antinuclear antibody test is a blood test that examines the body for specific antibodies. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system to combat bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. But the immune system might sometimes confuse the body’s cells for alien invaders, producing antibodies that assault the cells and tissues, known as "autoantibodies." Autoantibodies can cause harm to joints, skin, muscles, and other body components. This test screens for Systemic lupus erythematosus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Scleroderma and Sjogren’s syndrome.
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Occult Blood Test
Occult Blood Test
Faecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) also called Guaiac smear test or Stool Guaiac test, is used to screen stool samples for hidden (occult) blood that is not visible with the eyes. Bleeding in the digestive tract may be as a result of a slight irritation or a serious cancer. Occult Blood test helps to indicates ulcers, polyps, colon cancer or hemorrhoids.
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Pneumonia Atypical Screen
Pneumonia Atypical Screen
Atypical pneumonia is a community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) occurring both in immunocompromised and in immunocompetent patients. Diagnosis of atypical pneumonia is by complement fixation test (CFT). The Pneumonia atypical screen is used to diagnose Mycoplasma pneumonia, Chlamydia pneumonia, Legionella pneumophila
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Pneumonia Screen
Pneumonia Screen
The purpose of the pneumonia screen is for early diagnosis and treatment of various types of pneumonia which can be caused by Mycoplasma, Chlamydia or Legionella.
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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
The actual causes of PCOS are still unclear, although high levels of male hormones in females can prevent the ovaries from producing hormones and making eggs properly. The levels of hormones in the blood can aid the diagnosis of PCOS and the tests that are carried out are Testosterone, TSH, Glucose, HbA1C, FSH, DHEAs, Insulin, LH, 17 Hydroxyprogesterone, Lipid Profile, Prolactin, Cortisol, Antimullerian Hormone, Androstenedione and SHBG tests.
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Pregnancy Test
Pregnancy Test
A pregnancy test looks for a specific hormone in the urine or blood to detect pregnancy. Human chorionic gonadotropin is the name of the hormone (HCG). After a fertilized egg implants in the uterus, HCG is produced in a woman's placenta. It's usually only made during pregnancy. This test involves the Serum PT and the Urine PT. The Serum PT can find smaller amounts of HCG, and can confirm or rule out a pregnancy earlier than a Urine PT test. Serum PT tests are about 99 percent accurate.
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Prostate Profile
Prostate Profile
PSA, or Prostate Specific Antigen, is a protein found in all males. It is a useful predictor of prostate cancer since it is produced mostly by cells in the prostate gland. The amount of prostate specific antigen in the blood is measured in this blood test, with a high level indicating prostate cancer.
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Renal Profile
Renal Profile
Healthy kidneys remove wastes and excess fluid from the blood. Renal Profile tests are performed to evaluate the function of the kidney. They measure the amount of electrolytes in the blood to determine the status of the kidney. The analytes that are tested for are Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicarbonate, Urea, Creatinine and eGFR. These tests helps in early detection of malfunctioning kidneys.
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Rheumatology (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Rheumatology (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a type of autoimmune arthritis that causes pain and swelling in the joints. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) or the C-reactive protein (CRP) are almost always elevated in any inflammatory rheumatic disease. Several blood tests, such as those for rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptides (anti-CCP), can detect the presence of antibodies that indicate inflammation.
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Rheumatology Profile 1
Rheumatology Profile 1
Rheumatism or rheumatic illness refers to the conditions which are primarily caused by swelling and inflammation of joints and muscles. It can also be caused by wear and tear to the cartilage and joints. A rheumatology profile screen is a test for connective tissue and rheumatoid disorder and it is useful in diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, dermatomyositis and polymyositis. This profile includes FBC, ESR, Uric Acid, c Reactive protein, RF and Anti CCP antibodies.
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Rheumatology Profile 2
Rheumatology Profile 2 (Connective Tissues)
The connective tissues support, binds and separates the tissues and organs in the body. In autoimmune disease the body makes auto-antibodies that attack the normal cells and damages the connective tissue cells throughout the body. Rheumatology Profile 2 screens for connective tissue disorders and it includes tests like FBC, ESR, RF, ANA, Uric Acid, Anti SM, Anti-dsDNA.
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Rheumatology Profile 3 (Rheumatoid)
Rheumatology Profile 3 (Rheumatoid)
Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune system becomes over-active resulting in painful joints and swelling. When rheumatic conditions are left untreated, it can seriously affect the quality of life leading to a disability, especially rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology Profile 3 screens for rheumatoid disorders and the profile includes tests like Anti CCP antibodies, ANA, cReactive protein, FBC, ESR, RF, and Uric Acid.
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Senior Men’s Profile
Senior Men’s Profile
The senior men's profile is a general health screening for men who are 60years and above. It also includes prostate profile and HbA1c test. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney illness, colon cancer and prostate cancer can all be diagnosed with this profile.
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Senior Women’s Profile
Senior Women’s Profile
The senior women's profile is a general health screening for women who are 60years and above. It also includes pap smear and HbA1c test. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney illness, ovarian cancer and cervical cancer can all be diagnosed with this profile.
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Sexual Health Profile 1 (Urine)
Sexual Health Profile 1 (Urine)
This quick STI check-up is carried out using urine samples. It will test for Chlamydia trachomatis, N. gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Macrolide Resistance Test (M.gen)*, Herpes I/II, Ureaplasma, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis.
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Sexual Health Profile 2 (Serology)
Sexual Health Profile 2 (Serology)
This profile involves the use of blood serum for the purpose of detecting antibodies or antibody-like substances that appear specifically in association with certain diseases. It screens for the four most common STIs which are HIV 1&2, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Syphilis.
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Sexual Health Profile 3 (Serology And Urine)
Sexual Health Profile 3 (Serology And Urine)
This profile involves both the blood serum and urine samples to detect sexually transmitted diseases. It screens for HIV 1&2, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, H. pylori, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis and Herpes Simplex I/II.
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Sports Performance Profile
Sports Performance Profile
Sports Performance Profile is a window into an athlete’s body. It provides athletes with information on dietary shortages, hormone imbalances, injury risk, hydration level, muscle status, and more, allowing them to better understand their nutrition and performance. Tests in this profile are FBC/ESR, Biochemistry Profile, HDL/LDL, Ferritin, cReactive Protein, Omega 3/ Omega 6, Mineral Screen, Vitamin B9 and Vitamin B12.
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STD (Syphilis)
STD (Syphilis)
This profile includes test for Syphilis and Herpes Simplex I/II by PCR. PCR for Syphilis is a sensitive and specific test which acts an adjunct to dark ground microscopy and treponemal serology. PCR for Herpes Simplex detects Herpes Simplex Virus infection and differentiates between HSV1 and HSV2.
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Systemic Lupus Erythromatosis
Systemic Lupus Erythromatosis
This test helps to verify if what the patient is presenting is lupus and not another disease. It also helps to determine prognosis or progression of disease, to monitor the severity of the disease, the efficacy of treatment, medication-related side effects, and in making treatment recommendations and to adjust for changing symptoms. Some of the screening tests are Antinuclear antibody (ANA) autoantibodies, FBC, ESR, Complement 3,4, cReactive protein, CENP, RF, and some antibody screenings.
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Thromboembolism Profile
Thromboembolism Profile
Thromboembolism is a condition in which a blood clot forms in a blood vessel, breaks loose and is carried by the bloodstream to block another blood vessel. This profile includes screening for thrombophilia markers such as Factor V Leiden Common Mutation, Factor II Prothrombin Common Mutation, MTHFR Common Variants, Lupus Anticoagulant, Coagulation Profile, Antithrombin III, Protein C, Free Protein S, Anticardiolipin and Full Blood Count.
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Thyroid Function Profile 1
Thyroid Function Profile 1
These are a series of blood tests that are used to evaluate the function of the thyroid gland and to diagnose thyroid disorders. The thyroid is a small gland located in the lower-front part of the neck. This profile involves the measurement of various thyroid hormones which are FT3, FT4 and TSH.
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Thyroid Function Profile 2
Thyroid Function Profile 2
These are a series of blood tests that check the levels of thyroid hormones in order to evaluate the function of the thyroid gland and to diagnose thyroid disorders. The thyroid is a small gland located in the lower-front part of the neck. This profile involves the measurement of some thyroid hormones which are T4, Free T3, Free T4, TSH, Thyroglobulin Abs and Thyroid Peroxidase
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Torch Screen Profile
Torch Screen Profile
The TORCH screen is a group of blood tests that check for infections in a pregnant woman that can affect the fetus and cause newborn infections at birth. The full meaning of TORCH is Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes Simplex and HIV
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Trace Metal Profile
Trace Metal Profile
Trace metals have potential to be toxic when present in high concentration in the body. This profile detects and identifies low levels of metals in a blood sample. 24 hour urine or random urine sample can also be used. The trace metals measured in this profile are Aluminum, Manganese, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Cadmium, Mercury, Lead and Chromium
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Typhoid fever, often referred to as "enteric fever," is an infection caused predominantly by Salmonella enterica subspecies. Typhoid fever, if left untreated, can lead to delirium, obtundation, intestinal hemorrhage, bowel perforation, and death. Long-term or permanent neuropsychiatric complications may befall survivors. Typhoid IgG/IgM detection and Widal Titre are used to screen for typhoid infection to aid early treatment.
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Urinalysis is a test that is performed in a laboratory to assist a doctor in detecting abnormalities that are manifested in the urine. The way the body removes waste and pollutants is affected by a variety of illnesses and ailments. Any of these issues can have an impact on the look, concentration, and substance of a urine sample. Urinalysis is important prior to surgery, as a preemptive screening during a pregnancy checkup and as part of a routine medical or physical examination. It can also be used to confirm or rule out certain conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, and urinary tract infection
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Vaginitis Pcr/Culture
Vaginitis Pcr/Culture
Vaginitis is a polymicrobial disease, which means that it can result from an infection with yeast, bacteria or Trichomonas. A yeast infection leads to candidiasis, a bacterial infection leads to bacteria vaginitis and a trichomonas infection causes trichomonas vaginitis. Culture is important in identification of the cause of vaginitis.Meanwhile, molecular method using PCR is a more sensitive method of detecting vaginitis.
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We offer an extensive range of tests. Check them in alphabetical order.